Christina's and Martin's Renewal Of Vows

(Medieval Style)

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PartFive: Cake and wrap up

June 8,1991. Traditional cake with a swan cake topper. Cut and feed was theintention.

June 9,2001. Vivian (photographer and baker extraordinaire) did someresearch into Medieval tradition and presented her research to usweeks before the day. We chose this one. It's called a 'Crockenbush'(or at least that's how Viv pronounced it). They are little pastriesfilled with custard (or in our case chocolate cream) piled up as highas they'll go. The bride and groom eat the top two before invitingthe guests to join them. And that is exactly what we did. Slightlywet we took the top two off and then invited the group to go aheadand take one each.

Flankingthe two sides of the mountain of pastry were 2 chocolate swans thatViv had gotten from Richard's Fine Chocolates. One was for Martin andone was for me. They were tasty.


As youcan see the area was well used and everyone seemed to be having agood time. We'd say costumes to plain clothes was 50/50.


So herewe end it all with slightly damp and slightly buzzed Bride and Groomtoasting with the wonderful tankards given to them by their dearfriend Jo. We're hoping to use the outfits again (considering howmuch work we put into them) and the tankards with them.

We wish we could have taken more pictures but there's not much youcan do about that. We can only hope that guests will make doubles ofany pictures they took and get us the doubles.

Viviantook all of these pictures for us. Maybe in the future we can addphotos from other people.

To the Scroll and The Black andWhites

PhotoCredit: Vivian Hutcheson


Email Martin andChristina Here.